Post announcement of the of being the new CEO of eZee Technosys here is the first email that our new leader emailed team eZee.

From: Aeijaz Sodawala
To: all@eZee
Date: 14/12/2015
Sub: Re: New CEO eZee Technosys Pvt. Ltd.

I sit here today, with a new designation “CEO, eZee Technosys”, overwhelmed by the terrific news, all I can think about my journey till here which I can sum up in just 3 lines by Robert Frost-

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

I took the path not taken and today as I am embarking on this new journey I want to give you a little more insight about me and share my ideas for the future of our company.

Unlike many of my fellow mates, after graduation I didn’t take the next flight to other countries and get a monotonous 9-5 job that I would have hated; instead, I pursued my passion of business development.

I remember that night back in 2007, I was sitting on my desk with a friend and discussing regarding our future, and right then I started my research and came across eZee Technosys, that precise moment was the moment of impact in my life. The more I researched about this global hospitality solutions provider, the more certain I became about my decision. It seems like just yesterday when I came to the cabin of D-113 for the interview with Hitesh and Vipul, where Hitesh was talking to me while Vipul was busy on the laptop interacting with a client. That is what strikes me even now, Vipul is still working with the same energy that he had 7 years ago which is not Vipul’s energy but it is the energy of eZee and it is contagious. I too caught it very soon and every day I see that energy shared by each member of eZee.

It is an incredible honor for me to lead this dynamic team of very talented individuals like yourself and serve this incredible organization.

Over the time, you will notice many changes in the company, however, I assure you that our core values would remain the same. We have always provided the most innovative solutions to our clients and we will continue delivering  the best. I have said it before and I will say it again we can only progress if our clients are truly satisfied with our service. In the upcoming future, our core focus would be working on bringing customer delight and offering them the best user experience possible.

To achieve this goal, I need each of you to contribute passionately, put your best efforts on the table and have fun with your work. Do remember without the passion there will be nothing that can drive you and without you, there will be nothing for me to drive. I know I can count on you and together we will definitely take eZee to incredible heights. Once again quoting Robert Frost-

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep

One last thing, just to remind you that at eZee we have always welcomed new ideas and I am eager to learn more about your new ideas for eZee’s bright future.

My doors are always open for you.


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